
Veni, Vidi, Vici

My beloved Sky CIMA K2 glider

This is one of my favorite glider, very light and small yet it performed very well and has high margin of safety that’s good for beginner until intermediate levels.

I’m thinking of selling it… reason? I’ve gained a lot of love-handles and the additional weight, plus my flight deck and new harness has reached the glider’s maximum recommended in-flight weight load which is 85kg. Yes, I’m getting to be that heavy how :-P

I’m upgrading to another glider with Medium size for wider in-flight weight range. Here’s a video clip of the glider:

If anyone is interested, please let me know and I’ll give a good price for it… it’s still in very good condition, I took a good care of the glider and it’s always in the saucisse bag when folded and stored so you can rest assure that it’s not damaged by unintentional bends. It only had one land on a tree but it was soft and nothing was damaged, not even a scratch!

Another reason for selling it is because I’m now an appointed dealer for Ozone gliders and it wouldn’t be a good marketing if I sell Ozone gliders but flying Sky’s product isn’t it? :-)

Let me know if you’re interested, else I’ll just keep it as my backup glider.

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