
Veni, Vidi, Vici

Paragliding in Chuping, Perlis

I was invited to visit Perlis’s paragliding site in Chuping by the Perlis Paragliding Club, so during my trip to Alor Setar I put into my itinerary to visit this site and meet up with the Perlis Paragliding Club members.

The site is a small hill by the main road to Padang Besar, cutting across Chuping’s sugar cane plantation. The wind was good during my trip, quite strong I should say but manageable as it’s still within the range of 6-9knots. The site’s profile is suitable for beginners as it’s not very high, though one has to walk up the hill to the take-off  area at 350ft ASL. Once at the top, the view of landing zone will make beginners feel more confident and it’s not as intimidating as there are no view of obstructing trees.

I would rate this site as for beginners to intermediate.

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