
Veni, Vidi, Vici

2020 for clear vision

I was told that in ophthalmology, the term 2020 means a perfect eye sight. So therefore this year, it should be a year of clear vision… not blurry or requires any optical adjustment to see things clearly, whatever that means.

Anyway, to be optimistic and hopeful for the new year, I would like to relate the number to my vision for what and how this year should be until December.

But what sort of things that I want to see or gets imprinted clearly? Well maybe just life in general, my paragliding plans and most importantly; to spend more quality time with my beloved family members whenever I return home from work as tandem paragliding pilot.

In the meantime, I think my presbyopia is getting worse and in need of new glasses soon… so my eyesight will be closer to being 2020.

Signing off.. till next blog.

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